My Travel Prep List
/Travel is a key part of my work + life. Having lived out of a back pack for a year abroad and taken trips to numerous destinations over the years I feel like I’m finally starting to feel like I’m finally nailing down my favourite prep + pack list. Truth is, I used to write these list out on pieces of paper or my phone and then realized, I could just create a master list and refer to it each time. Simplify. I thought that I would share mine with you because who doesn’t appreciate a good list? I know I do!
Want a print out? You can download it here.
I’m always open to learning how to be more streamlined and efficient.
What would you add?
Confirm passport + travel docs are up to date (I confirm these when I book my trip or at least a month before I leave somewhere, if possible. No one like the last minute passport renewal rush..)
Add event tickets to your iphone wallet (I hate trying to search for these in my inbox the day of and when you add it to your wallet it will also add it to your calendar!)
Confirm bank + credit cards are good to go (You don’t want to get to your destination a realize you have a freeze on your cards because they flagged it as a suspicious purchase).
Purchase a data travel plan for your phone
Purchase local currency
Purchase medical travel insurance (if needed)
Update apps: Uber (use this code for $5 off your first ride). Airbnb, What’s App, Airline App, Weather app, Social Media, Square Space (so that I can work from my phone), Banking and Meditation apps
Download your favourite podcasts, Audible books + music to your phone
Make room on your phone for photos + videos (nothing worse that that perfect moment that you can’t capture because- whoops- you’ve run out of space.)
Do laundry + clean bed sheets (who doesn’t like to come home to a fresh bed?)
Give yourself at home spa time to do your nails, get a trim and any face care
Look into local farmer’s markets, grocery stores and restaurants at your destination. You can find more tips for staying healthy while you travel in this my blog post
Buy or make travel snacks (Check out my list!)
Have a simple + healthy ready-to-pop-in-the-oven meal for when you get home
Set the vacation message autoresponder on your email + change voicemail
Clear computer desktop (coming back to a clean office + an organized laptop is key for productivity)
Check into flight (the night before)
Check the weather forecast at your destination
Arrange for transportation to the airport
Travel documents + wallet
Luggage: tuck a few cotton balls with ylang ylang + wild orange into pocket. My dream carry on luggage is Away but I also love my MEC luggage.
Use small travel bags and pack only one outfit per travel bag. Label each bag according to event. You can reuse them for dirty laundry. (Thanks for this tip HOL:FIT!) Don’t forget your bathing suit + workout gear.
Shoes: runners, sandals, dressy, flats
Body care items. I like to put my shampoo, conditioner, body wash, hand cream, On Guard hand soap in silicone travel size containers to save space. On Guard toothpaste + toothbrush.
Face care (Verage face wash + moisturizer, natural sunscreen, herbal lip balm), makeup (loving Elate cosmetics right now)
Natural bug repellant (make my own) or get doTERRA’s Terrashield
Book (hard to choose between the 3 I usually have on the go) or Kindle
Phone + laptop charger
Laptop + earbuds
Bluetooth speaker (most Airbnbs or hotels should have one but… just in case. Music is key for me).
doTERRA’s Lumo or Brevi diffuser
doTERRA essential oils (See the go-to oils that I always pack) + Veggie caps.
On Guard hand soap + pump + On Guard sanitizing spray
My doTERRA Supplements: Lifelong Vitality (LLV), Mito2Max, PB Assist Probiotic, Terrazyme Digestive Enzyme + a bag of epsom salts to soak my tired feet or put in a bath at the end of the day.
On Guard softgels (for immune support)
Serenity softgels (for deep sleep)
Happy travels!